Download Slider Revolution v6.7.3 Responsive WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
Version 6.7.3 (12th April 2024)
Carousel Interaction Issue: Dragging the carousel with a longer delay causes an overjump of the next element if it’s already in focus.
Rapidly click on Navigation elements makes the Carousel aniamtion stuttering
Text Layer Issue: Text layers cannot be selected, even with ‘Layer Selectable’ enabled in default settings.
Video Dimension Issue: HTML5 video elements receive incorrect dimensions on the 2nd and subsequent slides if a fullscreen video exists on the first slide.
Unpublished slides showed up in V7 Velocity engine
Quick selection of sliders in the page in the top admin bar is missing in V7 Velocity engine
German translation files have some wrong translations
Modules larger than the screen size in mobile view are limited to the screen size, breaking the layout
Enhanced protection for images loading from external servers: initially attempting with cross-origin, and using without cross-origin attributes as a fallback.
Horizontal scrollbar appears upon resizing if modules have not yet been initialized.
Issue with Saving Global Settings in SR6 Before SR7 Initialization: Global settings in SR6 fail to save properly if SR7 is not initialized beforehand
Misalignment with Percentage-Sized and Right-Aligned Elements: Elements sized by percentage and aligned to the right using max-width exhibit misalignment
Layer Actions Disabled in Non-Interactive Videos: Videos set to ‘no interaction’ mode inadvertently disable associated layer actions
Delayed Background Color Rendering: Background colors experience a delay in rendering, leading to brief flashes during scrolling
Redundant Creation of Font Tester Containers: The font tester is generating multiple similar containers, leading to unnecessary clutter in the DOM
Download Slider Revolution v6.7.0 Responsive WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
v6.7.0 (5th April 2024)
Introducing Velocity Engine
Upgraded to SR7 “Velocity” Engine for improved efficiency and animation fluidity. Legacy SR6 Engine included for continued support
Download Slider Revolution v6.6.15 Responsive WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
v6.6.15 (1st August 2023)
New Features
Added compatibility for PHP 8.2
Backend: init function conflicting with other global defined functions in some rare cases (i.e. Cooke Banner Plugin)
Backend: missing WooCommerce escaping may cause a JavaScript error in the overview page
Layer out animation is being ignored in specific cases where the length of carousel slides varies among siblings and the layer out animation is set to trigger at a later timepoint
Slider importing could lead to an internal server error
ogv reference as constant instead of variable in import process
site-editor.php is not loading JS files needed for Slider Revolution Widgets
Importing a slider manually may result in it becoming a template slider
Willow filter doesn’t work in Safari NOTE: Due to browser limitations willow filter looks slightly different in Safari
Slider with video background will jump on load/resize if device pixel ratio is high
Keyframe does not work if it is placed near in animation
Slider block cannot be addon into a homepage on
Adjusting the Video volume to 100% is not possible on Android device
When Panorama addon is enabled, crossfade BG animation will not work.