إضافة حماية الووردبريس iThemes Security Pro | Solid Security

إضافة حماية الووردبريس iThemes Security Pro | Solid Security 8.4.1

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8.4.1 - 2024-03-21 - Timothy Jacobs, Lisa Canini, Jared Hill
Security: Fix a Google reCAPTCHA v3 bypass.
Important: "Automatic (Insecure)" IP detection has been removed. Read more: https://go.solidwp.com/firewall-features-not-available
Tweak: Block repeated session hijacking attacks from the same device even if the user has not specifically blocked the attacker's device. Previously, subsequent attacks after the first block would have their capabilities reduced.
Tweak: Remove the "Accept-Language" and "DNT" header from the list of sources for Trusted Devices.
Tweak: The Updater library has been updated to 1.8.4. The list of Patchstack licensed domains have been removed from the SolidWP licensing page.
Bug Fix: Fix the Trusted Devices "Approve" link in Outlook mail clients.
Bug Fix: The "Privilege Escalation" tab would not appear in a user's profile unless Passwordless Login was enabled.​
8.4.0 - 2024-02-27 - Timothy Jacobs, Lisa Canini, Jared Hill
New: The "Trusted Devices" user experience has been reworked to make it clearer and simpler, especially for end users. Learn more: https://academy.solidwp.com/?p=10906
Enhancement: Allow generating a new Two-Factor TOTP secret from the WP-Login UI.
Bug Fix: The SolidWP logo appeared too large in some email clients.
Bug Fix: An error would occur if we could not determine the length of database columns while saving log items.​
Download IThemes Security Pro v8.3.2 - Take the Guesswork Out of WordPress Security Nulled Free
v8.3.2 - 2024-02-06

Tweak: Add a notice when a user's role is demoted from the Site Scans page.
Tweak: Update Privacy Policy generator text.
Bug Fix: Could not proceed through onboarding when BuddyPress or BuddyBoss was active.
Bug Fix: Some firewall rules could not be deactivated.
Bug Fix: Allow opting in to Telemetry via the Settings Page.
Bug Fix: PHP 8.2 deprecation warnings.​
Download IThemes Security Pro v8.3.1 - Take the Guesswork Out of WordPress Security Nulled Free
v8.3.1 - 2024-01-25

Bug Fix: A PHP Fatal Error on PHP 8+ when logging a WP_Error to the Security Logs.​
Download IThemes Security Pro v8.3.0 - Take the Guesswork Out of WordPress Security Nulled Free
8.3.0 - 2024-01-24

New: The Firewall page has a new IP Management tab to provide easy access to blocking or authorizing IP addresses.
New: Usage Data Sharing (opt-in only) allows users to share non-personal and non-sensitive information with StellarWP to inform decisions about how to improve Solid Security in the future.
Enhancement: The "Trusted Devices" manager has been redesigned and relocated to the Security Profile tabbed UI.
Enhancement: Add a snackbar notice when making changes on the Firewall Configure page.
Enhancement: Make the GDPR Optin text in the CAPTCHA module more visible.
Tweak: Remove some straggling references and links to iThemes.
Tweak: Consistently refer to 2FA as Two-Factor Authentication on the Profile page.
Tweak: Allow performing more Site Scan actions when the issue is muted.
Bug Fix: Truncate log item columns that are too long before inserting into the database.
Bug Fix: Consistently order the Security Profile tabs.
Bug Fix: Add missing text domain to new Solid Security Admin Menu items.
Bug Fix: Reset filters on the Vulnerabilities page when starting a Site Scan.
Bug Fix: PHP warning on the logs page when the File Change module logs unexpected data.​
Download IThemes Security Pro v8.2.0 - Take the Guesswork Out of WordPress Security Nulled Free
v8.2.0 - 2023-12-06

New: Refreshed UI for manging per-user security settings like Passwordless Login, Passkeys, Two-Factor and Privilege Escalation. The previous Two-Factor UI can be enabled using the SOLID_SECURITY_LEGACY_2FA_UI constant.
New: A new block "Solid Security User Security Settings" let's you display this UI on the front-end of your website. The [solid_security_user_profile_settings] shortcode can be used if you're not yet using the Block Editor.
Important: Solid Security now requires WordPress 6.3 or later.
Enhancement: Display a snackbar notice when sending a 2FA reminder from the Site Scan page.
Enhancement: Include a link directly to the Patchstack database in the Site Scanner alert email.
Tweak: Remove iThemes Security is now Solid Security banners from the admin.
Bug Fix: An error occurred when trying to create a new Firewall rule as a draft.
Bug Fix: Trying to enable Network Brute Force from the Security messages center linked to the wrong place.
Bug Fix: During onboarding, a double scrollbar was displayed on some screen sizes.​
Download IThemes Security Pro v8.1.0 - Take the Guesswork Out of WordPress Security Nulled Free
v8.1.0 - 2023-11-14

New: Add support for creating custom firewall rules.
Enhancement: Add support for configuring firewall settings from the Firewall page.
Bug Fix: The firewall page would appear empty when geolocation could not retrieve a country code.​
Download IThemes Security Pro v8.0.4 - Take the Guesswork Out of WordPress Security Nulled Free
v8.0.4 - 2023-11-07

Security: Harden SolidWP Updater against XSS attacks. Thanks to Robin Wood (digi.ninja) for disclosing this issue.​
Download IThemes Security Pro v8.0.3 - Take the Guesswork Out of WordPress Security Nulled Free
v8.0.3 - 2023-10-30

Security: Don't disclose the login URL when using Hide Backend on a site with comments enabled and comment registration required. Thanks to Naveen Muthusamy for disclosing this issue.
Hardening: Check for the promote_user capability when using Privilege Escalation in addition to edit_user.
Tweak: Remove the iThemes Security is now Solid Security banner from admin-facing email notifications.
Bug Fix: Prevent the User Security page from crashing when "Show Avatars" is disabled in the WordPress discussion settings.
Bug Fix: Fix some filters on the User Security page not working as expected.
Bug Fix: Fix spacing on the Two-Factor form when backup methods are enabled.
Update: The lib/updater library has been updated to 1.8.1
Enhancement: Add a `wp ithemes-licensing set-licensed-url` WP-CLI command.
Bug Fix: Fix fatal error when there is an error retrieving Patchstack license information.
Bug Fix: Styling issues on WordPress 6.4.​
Download IThemes Security Pro v8.0.2 - Take the Guesswork Out of WordPress Security Nulled Free
v8.0.2 - 2023-10-16

Enhancement: Add pagination to the Firewall logs table.
Tweak: Various UI improvements.
Bug Fix: On sites with no logo, a broken image appeared in some emails.
Bug Fix: In some email clients, the Solid Security logo would stretch too wide.​